Friday, May 02, 2014

Go buy this...

You can now get the rules for all of the released 30k armies from Forge World for the price of a regular codex, or get this bundle.

I've never had the chance to play a 30k game (I pretty much never play 40k), but I'm very intrigued because of the way the lists are set up the game is much more balanced than regular 40k.  Granted much of the variety is lost when it is just marine vs. marine, but they do a good job of making up for that with legion specific units and rules.  Perhaps BT will finish his Emperors Children and I will finish my Death Guard and we will make sweet magic.

I will also quickly add that I hope this "7th edition" talk just turns out to be a revision...


BT said...

Yeah, I have been looking at getting that bundle. Held off for now.

As for 7th, I don't have a problem with it. One of the things I have noticed is the lack of FAQs from the new codexes (or very few), so I am looking forward to a clearly written rule book. I also like they are splitting up the rule book into 3 (rules, fluff, art with it all going for $85), so it leads one to believe that you can just get the rule book for cheaper.

Heck man, I am just hoping they make assault better just so you don't feel dumb for doing it.

Abraxis said...

I don't have a problem with a new edition as far as the rules are concerned. Hell, if they want to clear up everything with a revision every year thats cool. What I don't like is that less than two years ago I bought a $75 book and less than 1 year ago I spent $40 on the digital version. If they want to update more frequently, don't make the digital useless also. I won't be getting the book this time...I'll most likely get the digital eventually. Since I'm not rushing out to play anytime soon I feel no desire to get the book right away.

BT said...

I said the same thing when they went through 3 versions in 3-4 years back in the early 90s. But the game is still here. *shrugs*

I bought the bundle of 30k books. Can't wait!

Abraxis said...

I just got my heresy book 3...reading through that now. I haven't checked out the smaller books yet, I hear there are a few point tweaks compared to the original.

BT said...

No idea...

BT said...

No idea...