Monday, April 14, 2014

The Backlog

For about a year now I've been acquiring 30k Forge World models for my Death Guard.  I've been assembling, priming and painting them slowly.  I am making some progress thanks to the Hobby Progress Challenge, but my backlog of dudes has steadily increased.  I have the units I am painting for the challenge broken up into separate months, but the things I have that are not part of the challenge need some attention also.  I'm putting up a to do list here more for my own reference than anything else.

- Currently I'm working on a squad of tactical support marines for my May commitment.

-For June I will be doing 10 boarding marines AND a Paragon.  This concludes my Zone Mortalis list and the first half of the challenge.  I'm a bit ahead on the challenge currently, but I think the 10 boarding marines will be slow going so I don't anticipate being done any sooner than June.

- Before I start the second half of the challenge, I would like to assemble, prime, base coat, wash and airbrush all of the existing models.  That way I won't have to worry about it being too damn cold, hot or humid.  In order to get that point I need to finish the following tasks

My backlog in various stages of completion.

  1. wash the following models which are already assembled and base coated- I  plan on doing this after I finish my current squad of tactical marines
    • Grave Wardens
    • Destroyer Marines
    • Heavy Weapon Marines
    • Boarding Marines
    • Praetor
    • Typhoon
  2. When I finish those steps, I would like to airbrush the white on the armor up from brown to grey to white similar to how I've been dry brushing but I would like to give the airbrush a shot.  I need to do models in step 1 and the following models...
    • Rhino
    • Predator
    • Sicaran Battle Tank
    • Fire Raptor
  3. If I have time I would like to assemble the following models and get them up to step 2 also.  While I could easily do this later, it would be really nice to just spend an entire day airbrushing everything and be done with it.  Most likely I will try and do this while working on the boarding marines as a break from the painting.
    • Sternguard- I have enough left over bits to make a Sternguard squad, which could be vets, stern guard, tactical marines, a command squad, or chosen depending on the army and how I run them.
    • Heavy Weapon options, I will have a few guys left that I could turn into extra weapon options, but I won't know until I finish everything else off.  I do have 5 guys I need to equip with plain old bolters in order to run a full 10 man Devestator squad if I run these guys as Space Marines.
    • My super heavy tank...not sure I will get this assembled in time.  Of all the things on the list this will most likely be put off
  4. I need to finalize the second half of my challenge.  it can only be 1000 points and it should be broken up into 5 different monthly challenges.  Currently I'm thinking about doing the following, but my mind changes regularly.  I need to sit down and work out all the points.  
    • Grave Wardens
    • 5 Heavy Weapon Marines
    • Sicaran Battle Tank
    • Predator
    • Rhino
    • Typhoon--this is an intimidating one, probably the first to go if I change my mind.
  5. That would leave me with a good chunk of models left to do when ever I wanted, however I could see my list changing and swapping out some of the stuff mentioned previously for any of the following.  After painting a ton of infantry I would like the second half of the challenge to focus more on the vehicles.  
    • Fire Raptor- another intimidating model.
    • Destroyer Squad
  6. The super heavy, stern guard and extra heavy weapon marines would not be a part of the challenge but it would be real neat to get some serious progress on them.
It's A LOT of shit, but unless Mortarion comes out soon this army complete (ok, completely purchased and nearly assembled, I've only got 500 points painted currently).  Hopefully I can paint it all before the end of the year, sell it on eBay and retire from the restaurant industry...or maybe I'll keep it and paint up my Daemons as allies for next years challenge.

You know when you've got too much shit when this guy doesn't even make the to do list.

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