Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Oshcon 2011

Work has been very busy as of late, and I have been a poor blogger.  However, I'm also a horrible 40k hobbiest, so you aren't missing much.  I am STILL working on the same 5 vanguard vets I was 2 months ago.  They are very close to being done.  The release of Space Marine has not helped not my hobby progress (nor the start of the NHL season).  I also haven't played any 40k since June.  Some of you need to stop working these fancy jobs with weekends off and join me in the world of Tuesdays!  Think how much 40k I could get in then!

Anyway, this past weekend was Oshcon and we did get together to play a few combat patrol games (we were all too chicken shit to play in the actual tournament).  Karl (IG) and Josh (Tau) played themselves into a tie and I played Kel (Chaos) and barely managed to win.  At first it looked like I was going to be able to walk away with the game, but as it wore on Kelly chipped away at me and I was unable to finish off his guys.  A few lucky rolls for me (and some bad ones for him) allowed my scout squad to stay alive long enough for my death company to finish off his raptors.  With 2 mere troops left I was able to grab 1 objective and a very narrow victory.

would you rather have this, or a mech named after a gay super-hero duo?
 I had to leave early so I was unable to play another game of 40k (not sure the outcome of the team game, Karl, Chris, and Josh were working on).  We did however try out Dust Tactics.  We played a 4 person team game.  Josh and Adam were the silly somewhat homo-erotically named allies (hot dog and pounder?  I mean really!) and Chris and I played the genetically superior Germans.  The game proved to be pretty fun once we got the rules down.  Although more simplistic and less in-depth then 40k, it was quick and light.  It might be fun to play on those days where we have a few games at Zach's.  We always seem to have an extra 2-3 people waiting on another game so it could be good distraction for some of the group.  I'd be really interested in seeing how the upcoming warfare version of the game plays (or trying out other units, or some more "3-d" terrain, or some of the scenario's that come with the game).

The Germans won...barely.  At first I thought the game was going to take hours, but somewhere around turn 3 half the figs got killed in a few dice rolls.  I think at the end of it we had 1 mech with 1 wound and 2 infantry and the allies had none. 

1 comment:

BT said...

YAY! Your alive!