Tuesday, August 02, 2011


I haven't been particularly productive lately, but I have done some things.  Ok, I've done one thing.  Recently, I've been playing with using Assault Marines sans Jump Pack in some sort of transport (usually a Razorback).  Don't worry, I'm not going all Razorback Laz-Plas spammy on you.  I have found it useful to have a cheap troop choice to grab an objective and be able to throw down a little long range fire.  Using these guys in conjunction with a squad of Sniper Scouts should allow me to grab some objectives AND take a butt load of Death Company.

Currently I have two full squads of Assault Marines and a few more weapon/sergeant options.   I magnetized 20 more assault marines (jump pack vs. regular back pack), 12 regular, 4 assault weapons, and 4 sergeant variants.  This way I can do 3 small razorback sized squads or another 10 man jump squad and have some extra options.  Perhaps I will fill the sky with squads of assault marines, vanguard vets, and sanguinary guard!

I'm hoping some of this heat goes away because sitting in my little room and sweating while painting is less appealing then sitting in an air conditioned room in my house.  I also can't really spray anything right now with all this crotch-air. 

Without pack
You get the idea

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