Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Playing with Magnets

I've started dicking around with some magnets lately. Nothing too crazy, just trying them out on a few different models to see if they are worth the trouble. I got a stormraven coming in a week or so and I'm hoping to magnetize the hell out of it so I can do some weapon swapping.

First up, I finally pulled the trigger on some Vanguard Veterans. The problem I've had is GW only sells old, really expensive metal guys for $17 per guy. What I decided to do is buy a few of these and then some death company boxes. With all the weapon options and various bits these guys are perfect. I figure if I paint them red with some nice gold work they should look much different then my death company.

These guys can be very expensive (point cost that is). Although, I will probably only run them with jump packs, the option of drop podding them or running them in a stormraven could be cool and save some points. So I magnetized their jump/back packs. Looks like it should work pretty well. The magnets were a little putzy and my first few didn't look right, but I'm pretty happy with them. I've got 5 done now, and am hoping to have 20 when all is said and done.

I also got a Razorback that I set up. The top of the Razor back can be set up with a couple of different options. So I magnetized the storm bolter up top and a hunter killer missile. For the main turret I did some lascannons or paired up heavy bolters. This was much harder just because of the way the twin-linked cannon was done. I'm hoping the stormraven is more like a Land Raider which is much more magnet friendly.

The big problem with the razorback is it doesn't come with all of its weapon options. I need to find some autocannons and some plasma cannons in order to finish this bad boy.

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