Sunday, February 06, 2011

Dirty Drop Pod

After spending a week magnetizing 10 Vanguard Vets, 2 Sanguinary Priests, and a Razorback it was time to do some painting. I was about halfway done with my drop pod before the assembly madness so finishing this guy up wasn't so bad. I will say that I absolutely hate the drop pod model. It is painfully frustrating to put together and after using it only in one game two of its doors broke. In order to fix this problem and prevent further frustration I just glued the F-ing doors closed. I have another one of these to put together and I may magnetize it. However, that may just sprinkle extra anger on the piss soaked sandwich that is the space marine drop pod.

Since this model is supposed to represent a vehicle that is nothing more then a rocket propelled missile filled with dudes shot from orbit, it made sense to me to make this thing dirty. From the built up dirt on the bottom, the rusty metal and the soot by the exhaust ports and "wings" which I assume get super hot on reentry. Maybe I'm thinking about it too much but it gives me a chance to play with weathering powders more and makes an otherwise two color model a bit more interesting.

For the weathering powders I really went crazy. My last land raider didn't turn out that great, the battle damage just looked like shitty painting. This time I was a bit happier. The more I play with these powders the more I want to use them (maybe even on regular troopers).

I used a red rust to give the red of the model a little bit of a worn look. It turned out great and was a good blender. I think I may do this a bit more with my future vehicles. It may work great on my black death company vehicles, a little bit of faded color could help break up the flat black look.

On the bottom I dry brushed a few shades of brown and then hit it with some dry mud weather powder. I imagine when this thing hits the earth at a million miles per hour it kicks up some dust.

For the soot I used some moist weather powder, then when that dried I just rubbed in dry weather powder to help fade the black. I did this on the fins also. Some areas are a bit sloppy, but I don't think I'm ever going to be winning any painting contests. While not perfect, its a technique I think I'm getting better with and will defiantly use in the future. Up next I'm painting a few more dirty space elves for BT. After that I'm not sure. The new Blood Angel kits are out and I have a Stormraven on the way. I also have 10 more vanguard vets to make, and I may have pulled the trigger on some forgeworld models after whoring myself out to a hot sauce company.

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