Monday, February 14, 2011

New Blood Angel Models

Well I pulled the trigger got some of the new BA models. To answer the question on everyone's mind, yes, the Stormraven is fugly. Sure it looks better in person then the pictures, but it's still ugly. That being said, the actual kit is just awesome. Having spent some time with BT's older metal figs and then this brand spanking new one (and the death company, which in my mind is the best kit GW has released) it's obvious that they are getting better and better each passing year.

While this model is complex and takes forever to build (even longer if you wish to magnetize it as I did), the instructions are clear, precise and make it rather easy.

As I said I did some hardcore magnetizing on this boy. It took some time and research in order to get it done. Hours spent tooling around youtube paid off! For the optional Hurricane bolters I ended up using the doors that came with it, filing down the doo-dads that are on the door and putting magnets on the inside of of the Stormchicken. I then magnetized the hurricane bolters, so now its a simple snap to either add the bolters or keep them off (they're 30 points extra).

One thing I couldn't magnetize was the front gun, I went for the twin linked multi-melta. The way the canopy fits over the gun I just don't think you could magnetize it well. Perhaps if you magnetized the entire canopy it could work.

I was also able to fully magnetize the top turret, which I'm very happy about. You get your choice of either Twin-linked Lascannon, Plasma, or Assault Cannons. All excellent choices. I popped a big magnet onto the turret, and drilled a hole deep into the gun. The best part is the magnet is powerful enough to attract another magnet on the outside of the gun, so I simply put another magnet on the gun guard and boom, instant swappable killing machine! This worked so well I think I may use my extra Stormraven guns for my Razorbacks.

I also got some of the new dreadnought kits. While not nearly as ugly as the Stormturd, the kits themselves are great. I've just made 1 Furioso so far. I just magnetized his right arm so I can either go frag cannon, or bloodfist (the non-cheating variant).

Coming up I'm nearly done painting a unit of Fire Warriors for BT, and then after that some more assembling, and perhaps I'll try painting the new fancy Stinkraven.

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