Thursday, January 27, 2011

More Games!

Ok, only 1 more. I figured I just do a quick battle report. BT and I clashed at Chimera. He brought his IG this time in a 1500 point battle. I took a very non-standard list for me. 8 death company in drop pod, 1 dreadnought, 1 dreadnought librarian, 1 death company dreadnought, 10 man assault squad with sanguinary priest and captain, 1 baal predator, 1 vindicator. Very vehicle heavy.

BT took 3 squads of rough riders, a bunch of special weapon squads, a big unit of Ogryns with Lord Commissar, and a company command squad.

We only got 2.5 turns in before Chimera closed, so we called the game a draw. It's hard to say how it would of gone, things were starting to go my way but BT still had a unit of rough riders with the Khan special character in reserves.

All in all the vehicle heavy list didn't do that great for me. BT had too much melta for my list to really prove its worth. I did however manage to kill 6 Ogryns and a Lord Commissar in one shot from the Vindicator, so that was cool.

The only thing I can really take from the battle for the future is that I will never take that many vehicles against IG again, and drop pods can be highly effective. Although, they didn't function how I wanted them to, the drop pod death company showed some serious potential. I can't wait to try them out again with teleport homers. That combined with some deep striking terminators could be a mean combo.

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