Monday, January 24, 2011

Two games and dirty space elves

As work finally slowed down a bit I've got a few things done. First up I finished a squad of 5 dire avengers for BT. Just a simple blue power armor scheme. I wasn't particularly happy with the highlighting. The edges of the armor got dull with the dullcoat (duh!) and faded the highlights a bit. Next time I will take up the brightness a notch I guess.

The other big nerd news for me is that we all got together and played some 40k at Zach's. I don't remember the gory details all that well (there was beer and pork on hand so I was in a constant state of vertigo). I'll just do a quick rundown.

Josh and Zach played each other in a 2k a side battle. It sounds like Zach was handled pretty well by Josh's Tau. Every time I looked over at the other table Zach was shaking his head and Josh was giggling. If I'm not mistaken giggle-fits are the Tau victory cry.

On the second table Karl and BT both played Imperial Guard (1k a person) versus Kel and I (space marines and Blood Angels respectively). The game did not go well for Kel and I. Karl showed off his new toy (a Valkyrie) and managed to destroy a land raider in turn 1. Once again my Furiouso Librarian died before he did anything, and we got pounded into dust by the constant IG shelling.
By turn 2 or 3 my Death Company got in the fight, my Assault Squad deep struck in and I used a drop pod with my dreadnought (which worked great) and we made a game of it. However, poor Kelly got the brunt of it and lost all of his guys. Somehow I was to blame for this according to Karl, but I think he is just trying to fracture our mighty alliance.

Anyway, the victory conditions were kill points so by turn 3 I had just started killing all the little piddly guard units I could. We already had the advantage since both Karl and BT had about twice the number of units that we did. Although BT's Ogryn's proved to be nearly unstoppable, by the time the game ended Kel and I were declared victorious. BT and Kel were wiped to the man, I had a few shattered units left and Karl had a war walker and some outflanking guard dudes. If it had gone on longer, he probably would of finished me off.

By this time most people packed up and left, but not BT, Zach and I, oh no! We threw down for game two. Me with 2k of Blood angels against 1k of BT's Orcs and 1k of Zach's bugs. This game was a heartbreaker. I was cruising. For the first time I used Mephiston and he was killing everything. He wiped out a turn of outflanking genestealers turn 1! My land raider didn't blow up, my Baal Predator was wiping out squads, I was rolling! Then I lost an entire squad to a deep strike malfunction and things turned south. I got bogged down with BT's Mega-Nobz (I should of shot at them a least a turn longer), my remaining assault squad got double charged by Raveners and BT's Big Boss, and I foolishly charged Mephiston into Zach's Hive Tyrant. Ol' Mephy had killed 16 Genestealers and a broodlord, some squad of boyz with weirdboy, and a unit of Tyranid Warriors. I was cocky, the fight lasted a few turns, but Mephiston fell. Sure he made up his points, but I could of softened up the hive tyrant more or double charged the big bug.

Eventually things came around, my Captain and Sanguinary Guard finished off the Raveners and BT's Big Boss before charging into the Hive Tyrant and finishing that off. By turn 5 all the remained was a small squad of Mega Nobz surrounded by a Chaplain, Sanguinary Priest, and Sanguinary Guard (I may of killed them off, don't remember), and a squad of shoota boyz on the objective. 1 more turn and I could of probably claimed my objective and contested theirs, but it was not to be. Zach and BT claimed victory.

In the end, I won the game I should of lost, and lost the game I should of won. All in all it was a great weekend and I can't wait to do it again. Perhaps by then I'll have a few stormravens to play with?

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