Monday, October 11, 2010

Oshcon battlereport

Despite the fact that my loyal painting buddy, Bert, was unable to attend I went to Oshcon on Sunday. For the first time in this new edition we played a team battle. I had enough guys to create a second 1000 point force for Kelly and he paired up with Josh's Tau. I paired up with Karl's IG, shooty and assault vs. shooty and assault.

I did not take that many pictures, and I don't remember the details that well because with 4 players things got a little crazy. It was a bloody, bloody game and at the end not many models were left on the board.

Josh brought some pretty sweet terrain and Karl brought his rags and it worked out really well. The only thing I think we need to work on is terrain that can actually block line of sight. Now that we are getting the rules down I think we are all eager to make some really cool battlefields.

Since I can't remember the details too well, I'll just give a brief summary. I took a 100% jump pack force. My main unit had a Sanguinary priest, Commander Dante, and a Sanguinary Guard. I had 2 other squads of Assault marines. For Kelly, he had 8 death company in a Rhino, a Vindicator, Death Company Dreadnought, 5 thunderhammer storm shield terminators with a Reclusiarch, and Sanguinary Priest (both in Terminator armor). Karl took a similar list to the last game we played (I think he switched a few of his weapons around). Josh changed his stuff up a bit since the one game I played with him. However, I'm not familiar with Tau at all, so I don't really remember. I believe he stocked up on Fire warriors and pathfinders in order to get more troops, skipped the broadsides, but kept crisis suits and devilfish and hammerhead.

For Deployment, I deep struck my stud unit, and Karl outflanked his Sentinel. We tried to seize the initiative, but failed. We are also doing a house rule where if you roll a 1 when you attempt to seize the initiative your forces cannot move in the first turn. We rolled a 1, so we didn't move...bah!
We played dawn of war with 4 capture points. The dawn of war helped us a bit since we weren't able to move, but in the first round, nothing really happened. Josh and Kelly moved up, shot, didn't do too much, and that was it. In our first turn Karl blew Kelly's vindicator up with an extremely good series of rolls.

Turn 2 saw Josh and Kelly (henceforth known as, Jelly) move forward more, and shoot a lot. I believe I lost some marines to Josh, Karl lost a few guys, and that was it. On our turn two my stud squad came in right behind Josh's railgun (Dante doesn't scatter) and managed to destroy the tank. We also unleashed pretty much all our firepower on Kel's terminator unit. It took some wounds, but not a lot. I assaulted it with one unit of Assault Marines. I think I caused a few wounds, but my squad of 7 got reduced to 3 and broke.

After that second turn, things get really fuzzy. By turn 3 Kel's Death Company and dreadnought hit our lines and wrecked them. Kelly would spend the rest of the game chewing through Karl's command squad, some heavy weapons teams and my second assault squad. Near the end my assault squad was attacked by both the Death Dread and the remaining Death Company. I managed to destroy the dread with a power claw, but the rest of the unit then died. That side of the battle was particularly grotesque. By the end Karl had a Leman Russ, and two fleeing guardsmen. His Sentinel didn't come on until turn 5 and failed to do anything.

Karl's shooting, and close combat (and a little from me) had managed to whittle Kel's death company down to two guys by the end. Kel's Terminator squad saw more firepower thrown at it for the rest of the game and finally died around turn 4. I know he wiped out my assault squad with that unit and I think he killed most of one of Karl's heavy weapons teams with it. Although it sucked up huge amounts of firepower for most of the game, that unit needed a landraider, or something to hide behind.

After I popped Josh's railgun tank, my 600 point unit failed to do too much. I managed to shoot at a unit of fire warriors and make them break and run off the table. I also managed to capture a victory point with them, but that was it. Although being able to deep strike anywhere automatically and get rid of a tank was nice, I think I would have been better off just having Dante do that by himself or with one of the assault squads and then keeping the Sanguinary Guard near the fight on our lines. We desperately needed to stop Kel's troops and we did, but we lost at least 50% of our armies to do so. If I had kept my guard there it would have been a bit different I think. I probably would have been able to take out the death company, or at least tie it up.

For Josh, his dice got angrier and angrier. He couldn't roll above a 3 for his good units, but he couldn't roll under a 5 for his crappy units. By the end of the game he had lost a transport to Karl's veterans, but then crushed them after 3 rounds of epic hand to hand combat (this however left the unit in the middle of nowhere). His Crisis suits got blown up by Karl's tank, and he had his pathfinders and a unit of fire warriors in the middle of the board headed for the middle objective.

The game ended on turn 5. We controlled two points and Jelly had none. My lone Sergeant from an assault squad had managed to hide out in a bunker (one of the capture points) for most of the game. As you can see, Josh evidently had a machete and is trying to kill my Sanguinary Guard with it. BT appears to be playing with himself. It was a fun and super bloody game for only 5 turns. I had half my army left, but that was because they really didn't do anything the whole game. Karl was down to a tank, Kel had 2 death company and a rhino, and Josh had 3 units scattered around the table. The team game was a lot of fun and I'd love to try it again. However, I think Josh and I agree we need to throw down for some higher points games soon.

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