Friday, October 15, 2010

Librarian and Priest and test camo

In order to make a blood angel army useful I need a lot of Sanguinary Priests. This is my first attempt. It's a librarian model that I chopped a plasma pistol off of and added a bolt pistol and a death company jump pack. I'm not a fan of the apothecary/sanguinary priest models out there. The white armor is a little beyond my skill set, but it turned out ok. Highlighting is tough and the model is an older metal one so the detail in the cloak by the keys is a little fuzzy. I'm not particularly happy with this one, but honestly I was getting to the point where it was time to move on.

I've got two more of these guys hanging around to paint. A regular non-jump pack one and a terminator one that I modified. Hopefully I'll be able to improve the white armor on those guys.

I also finished my Furioso Librarian Dreadnought. Since there is no model for this, I did a bit of cut and pasting to create the model. First I purchased an Venerable Dreadnought. I used his claw and then fist to hold his force weapon (which is a Slaanesh banner I got off of ebay). I then decided to keep the front armor plating off to keep the marine inside exposed. Since he was supposed to be a Librarian I painted his power armor blue. Finally, for the head I used a death mask that I had left over from the Sanguinary Guard box set. He turned out pretty good for the mish-mash of things I got to create him. The white is a little thick on his "shoulders" but beyond that I'm very happy. I have not had a chance to try this guy out on the table yet so lets hope he was worth the time and ebay sniping.

Finally, I also played around with some Camo ideas on spare bits I've had laying around. Someday I would like to do a second army. I'm only about half way done with the blood angels I want to purchase, but I've really enjoyed the hobby aspect of the game and would like another project. Plus, I'm a little tired of red so mixing in a few other units from another army every now and then would be good to break up the monotony. I also want to put extra energy into a second army. My paint skills have improved and I'd like to continue to do so with some new techniques that I'm just not going to try with a Marine army. I'd also like to improve on my basing, I use a pretty blah flock base right now and would like to sex it up in the future.

I've really gotten into tanks so doing and imperial guard army is high on my list. I'm also interested in doing camouflage tanks and playing around with rust effects. So I'm leaning towards doing a Guard army. I really enjoy the WW1 German look of the Death Korps of Krieg (however the guys are $$$$$) from Forge World. I haven't made up my mind yet, but if I go that way gray will be the main color of the army so I got an assortment of Gray paints to try out some camo on extra bits.
I only used plastic wrap to cover up the rhino door as I sprayed so there is some bleeding. In the future I will probably use masking tape or poster putty. However, I like the blend of gray's so I think I'll try it on a whole model eventually. I ordered some weathering powders and intend to play with them a bit before I go to a full scale model.

1 comment:

atom said...

Cheap alternative to Death Korps of Kreig: Shock Troops from Wargames Factory. Check them out on the internets.