Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dante and Rhino

It's been awhile since I've gotten any games in, but I've been catching up on some of the unpainted models I've got laying around here. However, Fallout: New Vegas is out so that may slow my progress.

Anyway, first is Commander Dante. Josh really loves this dude. I think his bonus to deep strike is great, but stat wise he kind of sucks for being the oldest living space marine. I've only used him once, but I never got into assault with him (although the results would have been skewed since he would most likely crush any Tau unit in hand to hand).

Painting wise, he turned out well enough. I went with a gold scheme since he has Artificer Armor and all my other Sanguinary guard rock the gold. However, in retrospect I wish I would have done him in red. Now he he looks less impressive then the Sanguinary Guard because he doesn't have nipples on his armor (or wings, if you're into that). For the being the Chapter Master, he is a little unimpressive compared to other folks in the army.

Despite the fact that I'm not terribly happy with how he turned out and that I don't think he is worth his points, I would like to run an army with team golden rod one of these days. A unit of Sanguinary Guard and Commander Dante with the Sanguinar hanging around, all gilded up and crushing face.

I also finally painted my Rhino. Since I really only use it for my death company (I've pretty much given up on using Tactical Marines) I painted it with the death company color scheme. An all black Rhino with almost zero weapons makes for a quick paint. I think this only took me a day or two. I did try playing around with some battle damage on this to break up the straight black. I'm also hoping to practice with it a bit more if I ever want to do a Krieg army.

The Rhino has worked out well for me in the games I've used it in. I'm hoping to grab another one and paint it red and use it for either my tactical marines or assault marines without the jump packs. I'm also hoping to get some Razorbacks and another Rhino painted death company style once I get more death company figs. I'd like to do an all death company list someday.

I also just got a haul in the mail today, Guard Codex, Death Watch GM screen and two Land Raider Crusader/Redeemers. I managed to put both Land Raiders together and I'm probably going to try and paint them before anything else.

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