Friday, October 29, 2010

Land Raider Redeemer and Weathering Powder

As I mentioned in a previous post I got some weathering powders from forge world. I also got the model masterclass book from them as well. The book is great, it's full of advice on technique's I'll never be able to do ever!

On to the powders. I got some mud, two shades of rust, and black soot. I didn't use any of the rust ones (probably want to try them on some IG stuff eventually, but no marine would let his shit rust). I did play around with the mud and soot. After just trying it, I really like it. There are a few other ways to use it that I haven't tried it yet. For the Land Raider, I just put the powders on dry after the tank was painted and then matte finished the tank to get the powder to stick. Here I dry brushed mud and then added the powder to make it look like mud was collecting. It worked pretty well, in the future I will be more liberal with the powder.

The Redeemer Land Raider comes with the two flamstorm cannons. So I used the black soot on the end of the guns to represent the scorching of the metal from repeated flaming of xenos scum (most likely bugs or Tau). This turned out ok, not as good as the mud. I've tried this effect with just a simple black dry brush and it looked similar. Again, next time I will probably try to use more powder to see if it enhances the effect.

My plan with this big boy is to use it for my death company (hence the black paint job). It holds 12 models, easily enough to hold a chaplain and 10 or 11 raving mad death company. Since I plan on getting this thing into the enemy lines the flamstorm cannon model seemed like the obvious choice. Pull up, flame 'em up, drop the assault ramp and then bust some heads. At least in theory that's how I want it to work.

Painting wise this guy turned out pretty good, it's a little tough because the Land Raider is so fricking big there is a lot of blank space. My gray highlights are getting better, but still need a lot of work. Here are a few photo's of the whole tank, but I think it's too big for my little camera (some photo's are a little blurry).

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