Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Terminator Chaplain

It may not seem like it lately, but I have been hard at work on my army. Unfortunately the results are slow coming. First, I finished this terminator chaplain about a week ago, but I ran out of matte sealer so I had to wait to finish him up.

I love this model, it's one of the cooler ones GW makes and it was a fairly easy model to paint. Lots of bling, but not too much. Also, no horrible mold lines on it. I've been painting a lot of death company themed units for my army lately. I know the paint scheme very well and I'm pretty happy with this guy. I've got one more chaplain to paint, but I think I'm going to wait a bit. Time to get back to some red!

While on the subject of red the main problem I've been facing lately is Army Painter's Dragon Red. I praised this product before, but I'm about ready to take a big poo on them. I've been working on my Land Raider Crusader (which is almost done). When it came time to start the touch up on it, I noticed that my reds don't match. I painted about 15 assault marines, a few hero units and a vindicator with the first can of Dragon Red and it was a near perfect match with GW's Mechrite Red, touch ups were easy. I recently got a second can and basecoated my Crusader with it. For what ever reason I didn't notice how much lighter my Land Raider was in color until I put the first brush stroke of touch up red on it. This new can I used is much "oranger", it is the John Boehner of Land Raiders if you will (although I'm pretty sure my land raider is for health care reform). So I've been trying to match a red to this new Boehner-Red from army painter and so far I haven't had much success. To finish my Land Raider I just blended some paints, which is fine. However, I've got a lot of red things to paint still so I'd really like to find a red that matches the Dragon Red without blending in order to save some steps.

The other thing I've been working on is assembling. Karl and I got a broken forge order and both greatly expanded our armies. I got a battle force and an assault on black reach box (and a drop pod!). I've been collecting various bits from other sets and from ebay over the months and am using them with these boxes to finish off my devastators, assault marines, and possibly add some tactical marines with alternate weapons. In the end I'll probably need another battle force in order to finish everything off. One thing that will be done for sure though is that I will have an assload of Devastators. I'm hoping to have 8 bolter guys, 4 plasma cannons guys, 4 heavy bolters, 3 lascannons, 3 multi-melta's, 4 missile launchers, and 2 sergeants. It's way more then I'll field at once, but it will be cool to have options and to be officially "done" with one part of my army. Putting these things together has taken up a huge portion of time and there is no end in sight.

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