Thursday, September 09, 2010

Some links

I'll take a break from pictures today and put up some links. First is a blog, Atomsmashing. I haven't played against Atom's Tau yet, but it looks like he's got a pretty awesome battle force in the works.

Next up is Fantasy Flight Games. They make some awesome table top RPG's and board games. I've been reading all the Dark Heresy books and am eagerly awaiting my copy of Deathwatch. It gives me the itching to run a tt game again. Also check out their Horus Heresy board game, it looks like a blast. I really want to grab a copy but my extra money is being pumped into plastic men at the moment.

Finally is the Broken Forge. It's a great place to save some money if you're trying to build an army. Everything there is 25% off of GW list price. They also have mini's for all those other games the kids are playing these days.

I've got more, but that's all you're getting today.

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