For the paint scheme Librarians are supposed to wear blue with yellow accents, so I went with that. I did one shoulder pad red for the blood angels and another white (all my hq type guys are going to have white as one of their colors to distinguish them). I'm pretty happy with the guy, even the yellow turned out pretty well. I wasn't sure about the eyes, I did them all white with the thought of putting little pupils in them. Once I got the white though I liked the look, seemed very psyker to me.
On the field of battle this guy has been ok. The Librarian isn't exactly a beast in hand to hand. I've gotten a few other HQ choices since are first few games so he hasn't seen much action. I think mastering the psychic powers are going to take some time. Sounds like BT and I are going to play next week so I think I'm going to dust this guy off again and see what he can do!
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