Wednesday, September 08, 2010


Next on my hit list was the Baal Predator. It's a unique model to the Blood Angels, and I'm a big fan. In the games I've used it, the Baal has preformed very well (heck, I managed to kill Zach's Carnifex with it by unloading every single gun on the giant bug).

As a fast, scouting vehicle it gives you a lot of options and the weapons are pretty cool. I've got this one pimped with bolters and autocannons. Eventually I'll probably get one with the flamestorm cannon. However I'll probably ditch the pintle mounted storm bolter, not worth the 10 points.

Painting wise this went well for me. It was about this time that I got a small air compressor and a cheap airbrush from fleet farm. It helped me get a much more even coat of red down. I was also able to do some chipping effects on the tank and drybrush some dirt on the tread area. I'm pretty happy with this one and can't wait to tackle a few more vehicles. Having last played in the third edition of 40k, vehicles didn't work too well back then. However, now the game is vehicle heavy. I would probably prefer a balance, but it's cool to finally be able to get your points worth out of some of these vehicles (not to mention your moneys worth, a land raider costs like $60 now). When I started I wasn't really thinking about vehicles too much, but after painting this up and playing with it a few times I want more! Spearhead came out right around this time as well so perhaps that combined with the awesomeness of the Baal has pushed me towards creating a mechanized blood angel army in the future.

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