Tuesday, September 07, 2010


My third purchase was a unit I probably won't use a lot. As a heavy weapons choice I went for the Devastator marines. They've got a load of weapons options and are pretty versatile (I like plasma cannons and heavy bolters). Problem is for some stupid reason I gave the sergeant a power fist (nothing like giving a unit designed not to assault an expensive assault weapon) and I gave everyone a different weapon. It's a fun way to try out the different guns, but isn't that useful and it's terribly expensive. Since then I've ordered some extra weapons on the cheap from ebay and will most likely buy another set of tactical marines and turn them into devastators in order to save some money.

After using them for one game against BT's space marines it became apparent that I need to get some regular bolter guys in the squad in order to soak some wounds. I'm anxious to get a couple of more heavy bolter guys loaded up in order to destroy Zach's evil, evil genestealers. Long term I'm thinking 1 10 man squad of these, maybe 2 will be the most I'll ever need.

As far as painting these guys, I was really happy with them. However, after painting them I learned a valuable lesson. If you use a sealer on your painted models and it's a humid, crotchy Wisconsin afternoon you will ruin your detail work. I covered these guys with a fine white dust that faded away after a time, but essentially covered up any highlighting I did. That being said, I was happier with them then my first few attempts at painting and was getting closer to a satisfying result.

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