Monday, September 06, 2010

Assault Marines

The army concept that I want to try and complete first is an all jump pack force. Having played a few games I greatly enjoy the maneuverability. It tends to catch people off guard when almost everything in your army has an 18" threat range. The deep strike rules for Blood Angels is pretty cool too.

In this picture I have the original 5 assault marines I got. This is the second unit I did and the paint job is better than the one I did for the tact marines, but it still sucks. Less brush strokes, same crap detailing.

It took only 1 game of playing to quickly realize that 1 unit of 5 assault marines was not going to cut it. They aren't too tough and having only 5 can cause the squad to get wiped quickly. I've already purchased more and I'll get pics of those up soon. Having at least 2 squads of 10 is going to be a staple in my army for awhile.

In the future I'm hoping to get probably 1 more unit of 10 assault marines with jump packs and then 1 or 2 unites without jump packs. I'd like to take advantage of the cheap transports they can get when they remove the jump packs.

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