Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It's here!

Nerdgasm! A bit of a confessional here today. About two years ago when Kel and I first started flirting around with the idea of ending FVbN I stumbled across Dark Heresy, the first 40k rpg. On a whim I bought it and was blown away. Fantasy Flight Games make such an awesome, top notch product and it was great to see them do justice to a world that had needed an rpg for so long.

As time wore on I decided that I wanted to run a Dark Heresy game, I got all the sourcebooks and began to geek out in the 40k world. So much in fact that I began to collect 40k figs again, yes it's all FFG fault! Then right around the time FVbN came to an end FFG announced Deathwatch...I thought, "well, shit." With my nerd time freed up a bit I was going to run something, but with Deathwatch on the horizon, do I wait for that or go for Dark Heresy?

My mind was made up in time because although I feel Dark Heresy might be a better role playing game (more intrigue, politics, mystery, etc) I live far from any of my friends that would want to play. So I realized that I need to make a beer and pretzel style game. Nothing too plot heavy that would confuse the players if we didn't play for a few weeks.

So now I have been putting the word out...I'm running Deathwatch. A few people have expressed interest and today my book came from Amazon, and it's beautifully nerdy!

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