Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Shortly after my first game I realized that Space Marine Assault Squads kinda suck. Sure the movement is nice, but in all honesty their stat line is below average for assaulty troops. Space wolves, chaos space marines and Tyranids have much better troop choice options for assault based troops. The lowly marine only has 1 base attack?!

Once I met up with some of these more "elite" assault style troop choices, it became apparent that just assault marines wouldn't do it. So my next wave of purchases included a Sanguinary Priest, 3 squads of Death Company and Lemartes. I'll get into the death company later.

Lemartes is a special character who is essentially an upgraded Chaplain. I usually just use him as a chaplain or a Reclusiarch for my HQ choice in smaller games. In my mind if you're running death company you need to have a chaplain or some kind. The bonus' to assault are just too great to ignore and go a long way to make up for the shitty assault marines.

Painting black is hard. Getting any short of shading or highlighting on this model was really beyond me. I've heard of some people painting the model grey and just using Badab Black wash over the whole model. I tried this and it took like three gallons of wash, but I didn't like the look of it. In the end I just painted him black and used a grey highlight. I like the way he looks, but there really is very little shading or highlighting.

In the future I need to get a few more Chaplains. One with out a jump pack, and one in terminator armor. Not only will I use them a lot, but they are some of the coolest looking models GW makes.

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