Friday, September 24, 2010

Death Company

When I bought these guys I agonized over putting jump packs on them, or keeping them as ground units. Army builder helped make the decision for me. As I put some lists together it became obvious that 400+ points for 1 unit was too much for the games we've been playing. When we play 1500 or even 2000 a little more often then I will get a good sized squad of Death Company with Jump packs, until then we're foot slogging it.

I've got 15 outfitted with an array of weapons depending on my need. I usually only run them in a squad of 10, but you can put 30 in one unit. Some day, I'm going to do that and it's going to be ugly.

In the few games I've used these guys they've been pretty effective. However, if they don't charge they aren't that hot and most of my opponents have realized how to exploit the rage rule. A few games these dudes have basically just walked around trying to hit and enemy unit, but the crafty enemy keeps running away thus effectively removing this unit from play. I got a Rhino to combat this, however I've only used it once and my Rhino blew up immediately.

From a painting point of view these guys turned out pretty well, again painting black is hard and lacks a little detail. I guess I'll give it another go sooner or later as I want to expand this unit and get a few jump pack death company as well.

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