Monday, September 27, 2010

Death Company Dreadnought

There isn't a model for a Furioso dreadnought that is current. The one that GW sells doesn't actually have the new blood talons (which are gross). So I bought an ironclad dreadnought and then two close combat weapons from forgeworld.

Once I got this guy assembled I decided to make him a death company dreadnought. The armor up front isn't as good, but they gain fleet and a few other abilities.

It was a bit easier to do highlights on a black model when its this big. In the future I need many, many more dreadnoughts! In the one game I got to use this guy he did great. Eventually, I want to try and run a dreadnought army. I'm not thinking it would do all that great, but it would be fun to give it a go!

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