Sunday, April 14, 2002


Karl (high elves) and I (skaven) played some Fantasy last night. We each made 3000-point armies and settled in for a long battle. Usually a battle that big would probably of taken 3-5 hours, unfortunately for Karl, the Great Horned One was with me this evening.

Karl got to go first; he moved his huge cavalry units towards me and picked off a few of my boys with spells, so far so good. On my turn I pretty much stood there. I knew his cavalry was going to walk all over me so my only hope was that I could get 1 or 2 good rounds of shooting and flank his charges with my fast units. My magic phase really sucked and my shooting wasn’t anything to talk about except for one of my Warp Lightning Cannons…. I rolled 38-inch range, strength 10!!! The bolt screamed across the battlefield killing everything in its path (almost got his general).

In round two Karl charged a unit of my clan rats, he utterly crushed them in hand-to-hand combat and they fled…poor little guys got trampled down as they ran away from the evil Dragon Princes. In his magic phase Karl fizzled and nothing happened. My turn came up, my Night Runners and the Assassin within the unit positioned themselves for some ninja star fury. My rattling gun got ready, warpfire thrower aimed, Jezzail teams readied themselves, and warp lightning cannons charged up. In my Magic phase jack shit happened. What followed was the greatest shooting phase in the history of rat kind.

My Night Runners and Assassin managed to kill 1 Dragon Prince, however the rattling gun opened up on the unit and wasted 5 knights. Next my warpfire cannon opened up and caused 3 wounds to one of Karl’s mages, he died hideously, his body reduced to glowing ash. My Jezzail team let loose their rifles and Karl’s unit of Spear elves was reduced to 1. My Poison Globadiers took care of some swordsman, and then my warp cannons went to work. Both of them shoot straight through Karl’s unit of sword masters, mounted silver helms, and one of his mages. When it was all said and done I had cut Karl’s force in half in one shooting phase. He had most of his heroes left, but his Dragon Prince unit was only 5 strong, his Silver helms lost 8 men, his Sword masters were cut in half, only 1 Spear elf remained and he had lost a mage. Karl called it a night….

It was a typical Skaven battle, if the dice are with you, the enemy doesn’t stand a chance. If Lady Luck leaves your side you’re done.

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