Friday, September 03, 2010

Back from a short break

It's been over 8 years and I've just started getting back into 40k again. I've always loved the game and the fluff, but time and money made it impossible for me to play. Now that FVbN has ended I need some outlet for my inner nerd. After getting hooked on Dawn of War I was craving more and started thinking about doing 40k again. One day out of the blue Big Down Beef told me that he had started an Imperial Guard Army! That sealed the deal and I began thinking about what to collect. I knew I wanted to do Marines of some kind because I wanted a fairly easy army to play and paint. Plus, they're versatile. They aren't the best at anything but they are good at everything, I can do shooty, assault, mech, etc.

With that decided I hit the internets and the now obnoxiously overpriced White Dwarf magazine. It was April and the blood angels had just come out. I liked the back story and the color scheme. Unlike most marine chapters they had special units that were painted a different scheme from the rest of the army. I made up my mind and started amassing my army.

My end goal is to have several thousand points worth of an army. I have no intention of ever using all of them in one game (maybe a huge apocalypse game every now and then) but I want to have the ability to never play the same list more then once. Variety for me is a necessity, with so many choices for marine/BA players I figure I'll have a lot of fun just trying out new units and combination's for a long time.

I also made a small promise to not buy more then 1 unit at a time. My goal is to buy something, paint it, and then move on. I've already broken this rule a bit (buying package deals from websites, etc) but I've remained pretty faithful to this goal. When we used to play I had thousands of figures, but only a handful were painted. I don't want to do that again, I want my dudes painted!

With this in mind I went to my local hobby store, bought my first unit of tactical marines and began to paint. My main man, Bert helped out. Now a few months later I've got a bunch of dudes done and I've even played a few games. I'll post up some pictures and go over my progress soon, this is a long enough post after taking 8 years off.

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