Monday, March 25, 2002

I played some 40k with A-lo on Thursday. Since it was his first time I decided to ease it in and be gentle. I didn't wanna ram it home right away or he might have been frightened of doing it again. I mean if your partner doesn't get any pleasure out it then you may end up never playing with that person again. Umm, anyway, I picked an army that had a lot of variety to show Atom what was out there.

I played my most yummy Tyranids and Loper played the treacherous Space Marines. He got to go first which pretty much sealed my fate. When I wasn't looking he must've put the dice into his rectum and then rolled them that way, 'cause for the first two rounds he never missed a shot and always wounded. On the other hand I didn't roll out of my ass, I just rolled like ass. Everything I did the first few rounds just didn't work. Eventually, the rolling evened out and the game became pretty close. I thought I had it in the bag until my poor defenseless Hive Tyrant went down. After that it was all over. Atom gets the victory, but next time I won't be so gentle.

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