Saturday, July 12, 2014

Tanks, yo!

 It's finally starting to look like a real force.

My airbrushing went well, I feel like I got a good color match with the white I used initially.  I've got everyone all primed and base coated up to death guard white.  From here on out it should get a lot quicker.  My vehicles will be quick(ish) and my infantry models should take less time now that I don't need to dry brush up to white (in theory).  I already got my Rhino and Predator all painted up and weathered up.  It was a fairly quick turn around.  I think I will do one more tank and then see how painting the airbrushed infantry models goes.   I've made some good progress since my backlog post. I will paint my spartan, then my heavy support guys, my siccaran, then my stern guard and then my Fire Raptor.  The raptor will be my final unit for the hobby challenge.  After that I have my unit of death shroud, my glaive and the big two; Typhoon and Mortarion.  I'm thinking I will do those guys last.  If I keep up the current pace I'm hoping to finish all of that before 2015.  Who knows maybe Necrons will be released around then and I can finish up my few remaining models of that force.  I do want to make a board for my death guard, and I still have daemons laying around.  Not sure what I'll do next but its getting to the point where the end of this project is in sight.  With my busy work schedule and my inability to play the actual game of 40k more than a few times a year I've just accepted the fact that painting and modeling is my hobby and occasionally I get to play with my plastic men.

I used some hairspray and salt to get the chipped paint look on this guy


BT said...

Looking gooooood!

BT said...

Oh, Necrons should be out this Winter. Wolves just dropped, then Grey Knights, then Dark Eldar, Blood Angels, Necrons.