Thursday, May 29, 2014

nerd holiday and 7th edition.

I had a bit of a nerd weekend.  Not only did I get to hang with BT and talk about various nerd things, but I also got a bunch of games of X-wing in.  I won't go into detail about them, but they were a blast!    Although I still prefer 40k, X-wing has a much larger pick up and play potential that is hard to deny.

I'm still not sure who I prefer to play, the Imperials or the Rebels.  Typically I've always been Imperial but this past weekend I used a lot of rebels.  It was nice to play the same list a few times and tweak it slightly each game.  I must say I'm a big fan of B-Wings and target lock shenanigans...its a hoot!  I'm looking forward to playing with some of the large ships (and huge).  I've heard they do a lot of nice support actions which could be fun to try out.

In the games I played with BT none of them were close, but I think that had more to do with movement then anything.  Whomever left a ship out in the open, or made a turn into the firing arc of a group of fighters most likely got owned that game.  So far in my limited playing experience I haven't found a good combo of upgrades or ships that can make up for poor movement choices...which is good!

I've started reading the 7th edition book for 40k, so far I've got an overall "meh" feeling about it.  While it seems like they cleaned up some stuff, I don't feel like they did that much to justify a whole new edition.  The psychic phase is the only major change to the game and I feel they could have just done an expansion for it.  My fear in regards to the psychic phase is that it will end up like the magic phase in fantasy.  If you don't commit a shitload of points to psykers you're just going to get beast fucked.  Time will tell.

1 comment:

BT said...

Had a blast man!