Thursday, February 27, 2014


Since I live in Wisconsin and can only use spray paint for seemingly 4 months out of the year, I'm in a holding pattern until it warms up.  I've got one more squad of Death Guard primed that I am currently painting and when I'm done with them all I can do is wait.  To fill the time I've been building every other unit I have for the HPC so that when it warms up I can just spend one day alone in my garage getting high as fuck while I prime and base coat all of these models.  

Below you can see the Fire Raptor I assembled.  Although it looks sexy, it is an awful model.  Nothing lines up right, tons of warping, gaps and to top it off I fucked up a few steps.  I'm hoping some nice Death Guard neglect weathering paint effects can help hide some faults.  For all of my vehicles I am going to give another go at airbrushing.  In the past I only used it for base coating, I'm hoping to use it on the larger vehicles for the gradual brown/grey/white shading I do on the Death Guard.  I'm a bit nervous, but I feel like I need to try it.  My dry brushing technique for the infantry works great but might look a bit off on large flat models.

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