Friday, March 09, 2012

Now with more cheatin'

I took a little break from undead evil space robots and painted up some death company dreadnoughts (which in a way ARE undead evil space robots) and a razorback (a Laserback to be specific).  Here are a few quick pictures.

Dreadnought #1
With Blood Fists

 Both Dreadnoughts were magnetized on the claws so I could swap their weapon options between normal close combat weapon (blood fists) and the infamous cheater claws (blood talons).

Dreadnought #2
In retrospect, why wouldn't I take cheater claws?
 For my razorback it is fitted with the twin-linked lascannon option.  I played around with magnetizing the top turret but wasn't happy with the results.  I did however magnetize the extra gun mount.  I can either go naked, get a stormbolter, or a hunter-killer missile.

With that quick project done I'm thinking about either doing a death company drop pod or some necron Immortals.  I may be getting some models on the cheap from a local guy that are coming fully assembled.  Also, now that spring has sprung I am going to try and take a Tuesday coming up and designate it airbrush day as I attempt to base coat all my remaining red colored blood angels.

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