Sunday, February 26, 2012

Meet your new robot overlords

I finished up my Overlord with Resurrection Orb and War scythe (and his little buddy, a Lord with the same set up).  Both of these models were my first experience with finecast.  I am less than impressed.  Both models came free of bubbles or any major flaws, however both models have gigantic stave's (that one is for all you robot fetishists) that are bent.  The finecast is so brittle that any attempt to fix the issue just causes the staff to snap in half.  Boo, boo, boo I say.  I've used forgeworld resin before and find that a much more enjoyable experience.

Here are a few quick pics.  In retrospect I am not particularly pleased with the overlord, he has a sloppy look to him and could use a bit more color.  For an HQ unit he just doesn't stand out from the rest of the army (besides his space bowling ball and huge bent shaft).

 Next up I'm going to try and paint a few death company vehicles.  I've already got them primed black so it should be a fairly quick turnaround.  Next time I play a larger game I'm thinking about trying out the dreadnought spam blood angel list.  I can get at least 5 or 6 in a list fairly easily.  I just need to make sure I try it out against someone who is not Josh or Karl.

As far as my Necrons are concerned I am going to get a cryptek next so I can try out some night fighting solar pulse shenanigans (Karl will love it!).  Once he is complete that should bring me up to 1250 in total painted ready to roll robots.

 Atom also updated me on his games from the past weekend and the scoreboard now reflects that.

1 comment:

BT said...

Peanutbutter Jelly Time!