Saturday, November 26, 2011


Just a quick update.  I finished my 5 Necron Immortals.  They are essentially warriors with more armor and a bigger gun (still a troop choice).  As far as painting went I used the same scheme as I did for my warriors except for the shoulder area.  All the newer models have larger shoulder pads to represent their increased armor.  This means that in 38,000 years or so Mankind will realize that a robots true weakness is the shoulder.  Anyway, I painted this shoulder area black and Necron Abyss (a purple-black color) and then highlighted it with blue.  I plan on changing up the highlighting for each unit type to help add some variety.

If you look close, the eyes almost glow
Blurry, but you get the idea, he's a silver robot

I tried playing around with "glowy" technique around the eyes, the gun barrel, and the cords in the front of the gun.  Meh, I say, meh.  It's better than my first attempt on the warriors, but not great.  If you have been following my blog for a bit then you know I put zero effort into my photos.  I don't have a particularly good camera.  These pics are even more "rustic" as my camera died and I had to use my phone.

With these guys done, I now have about 200 some odd points for a Necron Combat Patrol.  I will most likely get some more warriors and immortals to round out the 400-500.  I'm hoping to proxy a few of the other unit/weapon options before I get anything else.

Next week I will be on vacation all week long.  In addition to a spearhead game Karl and I plan on playing on Monday, Saturday will be filled with much 40k.  I also just got my airbrush yesterday!  So I am hoping for lots of hobby progress and wars to be waged in the coming week (or maybe I'll just play Assassin's Creed).

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