Saturday, May 28, 2011

Striking Scorpions

Real life has gotten in the way of painting for the past few weeks. I started these dirty space elves weeks ago, but wasn't able to finish them until recently.

I've only played against these guys twice and remember them being pretty studly in assault. I'm pretty sure they get 1000 attacks when they charge, but I could be wrong on that figure.

Much like my other Eldar, I wish these guys came out just a hair brighter in color. I'm also not sure of the red helmet. Originally I had it green, but BT's only color request is that every unit in his Eldar army have red helmets.

I've also been playing with a couple of non-black black colors in order to shade and highlight things like weapons a bit easier, so far I like the look. I don't think I would paint a vehicle or power armor that color (too much of it and it looks gray), but small detail pieces make it work.

Next I'm rolling into my second Stormraven. This one I am painting death company colors and I am also try to paint it unassembled. I'm hoping this will help with all those hard to reach areas. My goal is to finish in a few weeks. We may be playing at Zach's coming up at the end of June and I want to try the duel Storm Chicken list.