Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Death Company Stormraven

It's has been a hard road to get here. After my first Stormraven, I painted this one in individual pieces. Needless to say I did not enjoy the experience and it took much, much longer. I'm not sure it really turned out any better then the first one to be honest.

I kept the magnetized weapons the same color as the first one so I can swap them freely with the other. I also loaded this guy up with sticker bling from Forge World. I think the black scheme helps the Stormraven look less like a dump truck, but it's still pretty ugly.

Coming up this Sunday it looks like we are going to throw down for some hardcore nerdy action. I'm hoping to play some combat patrol and maybe a larger game where I try out two stormchickens. After that I'm going to paint my Vanguard Veterans (some of them). Hopfully I'll have a few battle reports soon.

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