Wednesday, March 09, 2011


I finally finished my first stormraven. As I said before, the kit is great, the model is ugly. I will also say that this was one of the most trying models I've ever done. I heavily magnetized it so that took a long time. My reds once again weren't matching up. In fact it got so bad that I actually masking taped half the model and re-primed it.

Finally, once I was finished with it the canopy support beams that fit over the plastic snapped.
As you can see I just snapped them off. The gun canopy got gunked up with something (maybe glue?), which in turn hid all the work I did on the little servitor inside. GRRRRRR!!! Anyway, I'm done with this guy.

I think I've decided to get another cheap airbrush for my next vehicle. Washing and blending work fine for the smaller infantry guys when they have very few flat areas. On the vehicles (especially the very boxy Stormraven) too much wash and touch ups look streaky. I would also like to try airbrushing a base coat, followed by a wash coat.

I've got two more Stormravens to build and paint. The next one is going to be death company themed so the all black color scheme should be much easier. The last one I want to paint "honor guard style". I've used gold and white to signify my HQ, veterans, and honor guard squads so I would like to do that for a Stormraven. However, after this one I want to make sure I have an airbrush and I would probably paint the entire model before I assembled it.

Next up I've got a lot of assembly I'm going to concentrate on. I recently got some bike squads to put together, more death company, razorbacks, etc. Once I get sick of glue again, I think I'll hit up some more of BT's dudes. Perhaps the Striking Scorpion.

Oh, and the new Grey Knights got announced today. The fluff sounds great, but the new dread knight looks really dumb.

1 comment:

BT said...

Cloudly plastic makes me weep, but I look forward to the Striking Scorps!