Wednesday, March 02, 2011

The power of 1

BT and I managed to get another 2000 point game in this week. After having mastered Eldar list building, BT opted to play vanilla marines. I trotted out my fancy new dreadnought kits and then there was war!

We played a spearhead-annihilation game. Which was good for me since I only had 1 troop choice which could capture objectives. BT selected, 2 units of Tactical Marines, 1 unit of assault marines with chaplain (who deep struck), a Rhino, his awesomely painted dreadnought, a rhino, a land raider with 5 man assault terminator squad, and a 10 man terminator squad with captain (who also deep-struck).

I took a land raider redeemer with 10 death company and chaplain, a vindicator, a unit of scouts (whom I only took to claim objectives) 10 man devastator squad (2 heavy bolters, 2 plasma cannons), Mephiston, 2 death company dreadnoughts (1 with cheater claws, 1 with regular claws), and 2 Furioso dreadnoughts (1 with cheater claws, 1 with frag cannons).

BT won the roll off, we deployed (I reserved nothing, he held back his assault marines and 10 man terminator squad). I then rolled and seized the initiative, boom!

TURN 1: Not much to report on turn 1, I moved my guys around a bit, took some pot shots, but nothing really happened. The picture below shows after my turn 1 movement. Particularly clever readers will note that my vindicator is not on the field of battle. I would not realize this fact until AFTER the game was played. Another total boob move made by yours truly. A strength 10 gun would have been super useful in this game.

TURN 2: I did some more maneuvering, moved my scouts and Mephiston up around his left flank and did some more ineffectual shooting. My Devastator squad was particularly useless all game. I didn't really have a good spot to deploy them and never got a decent shot off. I would have been better off putting them out in the open. With all the targets I had BT would have been hard pressed to shoot at them over anything else I had.

BT had some decent dice last game, above average but not mind blowing. This game he had the power of the 1. In the early parts of the game his dice betrayed him and never really came back. He failed his reserve rolls, failed to do anything in shooting, charged my land raider with his recently disembarked terminators and failed to do anything as well. This set him up for a particularly nasty turn 3.

TURN 3: With his assault terminators in front of my land raider, I opened up. Frag Cannons, melta guns, flamers, assault cannons, everything I had. I managed to kill 3 of the 5 with shooting. My Land Raider managed to take off a lascannon from BT's land raider, and Mephiston closed in on a unit of Tactical Marines.

In the assault phase I finished off the assault terminators with a Death Company Dreadnought (one actually lived, and ran for a few turns before being killed), charged BT's dreadnought with my other death dreadnought (and promptly was blown up for my efforts) and Mephy chewed up most of the tactical squad (who miraculously did not flee). I also used the magna grapple on my dreadnought for the first time, pulled BT's Rhino closer and beat on it a little bit (immobilized and weapon destroyed, not wrecked). Pretty cool little toy.

BT brought his Terminator squad in from reserves and his Assault Squad. His assault squad came in behind my lines and managed to nearly wipe out my devastator squad with shooting. His Terminators killed every last scout I had. In assault Mephy finished up the tactical squad and blew a kiss at BT's terminators.

TURN 4: Getting down to the end now, my cheating Furioso shot and charged the assault squad, as did my Devastators. The dreadnought rolled out of its ass and kept accumulating wounds and rerolls until only his chaplain and Srgt. remained. I would lose all but one devastator this turn, and the last one would die on BT's phase. My frag cannon Furioso shot and blew BT's dreadnought, my remaining death company dreadnought chased down the lone assault terminator. My land raider moved up, shot and removed the last lascannon from BT's land raider. Mephiston charged into BT's terminators. I didn't expect Mephiston to live at this point, he caused 5 terminators to die, but took 2 more wounds back. He lived, but it was looking bad.

For BT's turn, he only had an immobilized land raider, rhino, a tactical squad, a few assault guys and a terminator squad locked in combat. In assault Mephiston fell after taking out a few more terminators (the squad was down to 3). Ol' Mephy probably could have been used better to be more survivable, but he took out more then his points and essentially tied up BT's flank by himself. All in all, another good outing for the Lord of Death. BT's assault squad was destroyed by my cheating dread.

TURN 5: This would be it, my death dread did some damage to his remaining tactical squad, my death company poured out of the land raider in an attempt to blow the land raider (never happened), and everyone else shifted around. In BT's turn he shot and killed a few death company.

The game ended 5 points for me, 4 for BT. Although I won by a small margin it never seemed that close. I'm fairly confident I would have tabled him if it had gone on another turn. A good thrashing, not as bad as the one I received last week, but pretty good. BT's dice sucked so bad early on and that may have cost him the game. Although, if I had used my Vindicator that may have help my cause substantially.

In the end I was pretty happy with the list, not sure how well it would perform against a melta heavy army. The dreadnoughts are fun and pretty effective. Mephiston is a beast, scouts suck, devastators suck and marines can not destroy land raiders.

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