Friday, December 10, 2010

I'm in the middle of the busy season at work and things have been a bit "fisty". That combined with New Vegas and GT5 my nerd time has been devoted elsewhere. However, I did manage to make some (rather slow) progress on a few things.

First, as I mentioned last time I had a boatload of new troops to get painted. I did manage to get them all basecoated red. I won't throw up pictures, just look at the last post and imagine them all red. In related news I ordered about a dozen shades of red from Vallejo Paints upon Josh's recommendation. After some testing it appears that Flat Red and Bermellon Red are near perfect matches for the "new" shade of Dragon Red spray paint I have. Next up it's time to use the new reds and finish off some more Assault Marines!

In addition BT asked me to try my hand at a few of his miniatures. Since I've been playing around with the idea doing a second army in order to mix it up when it comes to painting I agreed to give it a go. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to play around with some non-red power-armored figures and I won't spend even more money on a second army. BT gave me a squad each of Eldar Fire Dragons, Striking Scorpions, and Dire Avengers. 20 Ork Boyz also joined the Eldar force. Since I received all these Xenos I've managed to basecoat all of them (in various colors of red, blue, and green).

But that's not all! Shortly after my last post I decided to start on 10 of the Ork's right away. Unfortunately, work really slowed down my progress and it took me about 3 weeks to get these guys done, but done they are! So here are a few pics of the finished Ork's.

These models are old, it's funny to see how far GW has come in their detail and model quality. Some of these guys needed a little glue (I believe BT put them together with hope and poster putty), and I think some are missing parts. A few of these guys kinda look like they came straight out of a Gorillaz video (one even has sunglasses and a little hat?!), perhaps early 40k orks were the inspirado for Jamie and Damon.

I'm fairly happy with the paint job. My first time out with the Ork's, so it was more of an experiment then anything. I wanted them to look gritty and mean. Sometimes these guys look too cartoony. I used a lot of gray's and browns and then lots of dark wash to try and achieve that effect. For the second batch of 10, I will up the brightness of the skin just a touch before I wash in effort to create more contrast in the face.

With the New Year coming up I'm eager for the eventual winter work slowdown so I can dive back in to all of those basecoated models and make some real headway.

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