Wednesday, November 17, 2010


It took me a long time to finish these long and rather tiresome projects. First up is my Land Raider Crusader. I had a lot of problems matching the red. In addition, I was playing with the weathering powders some more. I tried to do some battle damage with this. I had a bronze Imperial Eagle that actually broke during the gluing process so I kept it on there and tried to focus the damage around that. The rust and dark iron powders worked well for this, but I think my brush was a bit too wet because the effect looks a little too "heavy". Last time I thought I was a bit light on the powders, this time I went the opposite way. Next time I'll get it. I haven't had a chance to use this big boy yet, and based on how my Redeemer worked this will be lots of time and money flushed down the toilet (damn you, Marbo!). I'm hoping to fill this bad boy with Terminators and my Librarian in Terminator armor, my Sanguinary Priest in Terminator Armor (sensing a theme?) and probably a Chaplain in Terminator armor. Anyway, my two babies together!

The other big thing I've been working on is assembling all of this...

It took me about two weeks to put all of that together. A few have some basecoats, but it's about 99.5% unpainted. So I need to paint, 1 Rhino, 1 dreadnought (still need a right-handed dreadnought claw if anyone has one), 1 drop pod, 5 regular Terminators, 10 scouts, 1 Captain, 3 heavy weapon Tactical marines, 6 special weapon assault marines, 10 scouts, and 22 Devastator marines (2 Sergeant's, 4 missile launchers, 4 heavy bolters, 2 lascannons, 3 plasma cannons, 7 bolters). If anyone out there ever has to put together a drop pod take my advice. Punch yourself in the balls until you vomit, you'll have more fun.

Not sure what I'll tackle next, BT dropped off some Eldar and Orcs for me to try out, maybe I'll take a break from Blood Angels.

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