Thursday, September 16, 2010


As I mentioned earlier, I wasn't too impressed with the Librarian and the Sangiunor is a bit too pricey for most games. I decided to get a bare bones captain as my general HQ choice. I got the model for a Raven Guard captain (Shrike) because I thought it looked cool, plus who doesn't like duel lightning claws?

My airbrush was letting me down so I got Dragon Red spray from The Army Painter. Shit worked awesome, for reals! I really liked the way this model turned out. Plus, the white turned out well enough that it gives me hope for my sanguinary priests (who will have white armor). The only issue I had with this guy was the model. It's obvious that this is an older model and that either the detail is gone from the mold or it never existed. The golden eagle on his chest and the surrounding areas near it looked like little more then molten slag. All the detail lines were gone and it made the middle of the model seem a little poopy.

In the few games I've used this guy he's been good, the stats for a space marine captain aren't great but I usually put him with the Sanguinary Guard or a unit of Assault marines with Sanguinary Priest. He can beat a little face that way.

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