Sunday, January 27, 2002


Rail guns are not your friends, Lascannons are not your friends, Storm Bolters are not your friends, and Plasma Rifles are not your friends. Although the battle could of gone far worse it did not go well. I played my handsome Nurgle Death Guard army and Karl played the merciful Dark Eldar in a pitched battle versus the slave wranglin’ Tau, the sinful Dark Angels, and the swarm known as Imperial Guard. I was under no illusion that we were gonna win. The sheer amount of firepower we faced was enough to make you weep. Thanks to my Dark Lord Nurgle and his gift of toughness I was able to breech the enemy lines, Karl however did not fair so well. To say that Dark Eldar are frail is an understatement. After getting pounded for 2 rounds my demons began to flood in. It was the first time I ever used normal demons and I must say I was pleased. The sheer numbers they provided allowed use to break into shooting units and stop the insane missile barrage for a little while. Unfortunately, by the time the 6th turn had come around we were depleted. We had caused massive amounts of damage, the Dark Angels were killed to the man, the Imperial Guard had taken massive casualties, and the Tau had lost a few units, but it was not to be. Although my hard ass General still lived, Karl was gone, nothing left and I had only a few hundred points left on the table.

I must say that after facing the Tau once I’m glad to see that they actually seem balanced as opposed to the normal Games Workshop “newer armies always beat older armies” mentality.

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