Monday, January 28, 2002

Karl and I played 40k on Sunday evening. My poor humble Chaos Space Marines faced off against Karl's Eldar. The first few rounds went very badly for me. Karl rained heavy fire down on my poor devotees to Lord Nurgle. My Chaos Obliterators totally fucked Karl with their deployment, but that's they last I saw of them. They were turned to dust by a hail of laser fire. I managed to kill one of his Wraithlords in my first turn. Karl pounded my ass some more, and then in the second turn things changed. My Terminators opened fire with their meltaguns on Karl’s Wraitguard and then my general charged into the unit. Karl's Avatar of Khaine got charged by a unit of Plague Marines and Plague Terminators. Finally, my Great Unclean One and 2 units of plague bearers arrived on the scene. After that I was pretty confident until Karl's last wraithlord tied up my General, and my Greater Demon for most of the game (it eventually killed my General). In the end it all came down to victory points, I won by about 300, which is a pretty tight match.

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