Thursday, February 16, 2012

More Necrons

With a nerd day coming up, I pushed myself to finish my current project.  I will never try and do 15 dudes from 3 different units at the same time again.  I'm fairly confident that I've said something similar before.  Doing any more than 5-10 guys really starts to get tedious and I feel like detail work suffers.  Anyway, here is what I've done.

 First up is my immortal squad.  I did five more, bringing my total up to 10.  I kept the gauss blaster on them.  Although I really like the Tesla option for them (in the future I will most likely get 10 more immortals equipped that way) gauss is the way to go against most of the vehicle heavy armies I play.  With 24 warriors and 20 immortals I doubt I would ever need to get more troops unless I decided to get over 2000 points of necrons.

I kept the paint scheme the same.  A highlight of dark blue on their added armor.  I also tried finishing the glowy green bits with a gloss varnish (the rest of the model is dullcoat).  I'm no wet blending master, but the glossy does help create a more eye catching glow.

 Next up are the deathmarks.  These guys are the deep striking snipers of the necron army.  Since they are supposed to be all sneaky and striking from the warp, I decided the try and paint their extra armor pads "sleek and sneaky".   Instead of painting them an off black and then washing them dark like the immortals, I started with a pure black.  I've also been highlighting the armor pads with a different shade of blue depending on the unit.  For the deathmarks I went for a light blue in order to create a stark contrast with the pure black.  Finally, I went ahead and glossy finished the black/ice blue highlights in order to amplify the sleek look.  I'm not sure I really liked the way it turned out.  I'm just not good enough at stark highlights to really pull it off.  I'm also thinking that the glossy finish is too glossy.  I'm going to play a few games with them before I make up my mind but I may end up hitting them with dullcoat to calm down the shine.

I've never tried these guys yet, and some of their rules are a bit weird (hoping 6th edition makes them more useful) but the models are super cool and I think they could be really powerful.  I can see taking 2 small units of these in larger point games and marking up a few different tougher targets.  Deathmarks can mark a unit and then all deathmarks in the army wound that unit on a 2+ (hello monstrous creatures!)

Finally, my Lycheguard.  This is a really cool kit, I'll most likely get a few more of these guys if I go bigger.  The two big options for these guys are either warscythes (power weapon, +2 strength) or hyperphase swords and dispersion shields (power weapon with 4+ inv save).  I went with the sword/shield option mainly because I'm usually playing against shooty armies that like to ignore armor saves.  I also think in a smaller combat patrol game a model with a 3+/4+ save, 5 toughness and reanimation protocols could be a beast to kill.  We shall see.

I kept with my paint scheme for these guys.  I added a few brass accents since these guys are supposed to be the elite body guards for the Lords and Overlords (I intend on using a lot of brass and gold for the HQ choices).  For the extra shoulder armor I stuck with my blue highlight variation and went with purple.  I was a bit nervous that the purple would clash, but I think it turned out really well.  The purple blending looks nice and goes well with the metal embellishments and green glowy bits.  I also added glossy finish to the sword and shield which I painted true black in an effort to make them stand out a bit from the rest of the armies weapons and to help enhance the "charged with power" look.  I can't wait to try these guys out.

Coming up I've got a lord and overlord (both finecast models which I'll bitch about next time) I'm hoping these two highly detailed models are less of a pain then these last 15.  Once they are done, I will have nearly 1000 points of necrons painted!

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