Saturday, July 20, 2013

A game!

I had a chance Monday free so I took a trip to the Nerd Bunker and played an 1850 game of 40k with Atom.  He took his Nurgle Chaos Marines and I made a sorta horde style necron list.  I think this was my first game playing a 6th edition codex (although most people think its the worst 6th ed codex).  Quick rundown of the dudes in question, Atom had 2 units of plague marines in rhinos, a unit of chaos spawn, a forge fiend (the shooty one...not the smashy one), an aegis defense line, a unit of cultists, some obliterators, some bikers (with a biker lord) and a helldrake.  I took nemesor zandrek and his bro Obryon, 20 warriors, 6 wraiths, 3 separate 10 man units of immortals, a ghost ark, an annihilation barge, a triarch stalker, 1 lord, and 1 cryptek.  So I had something like 60 infantry models on the table.  It made movement a little bit clunky but overall I really enjoyed the list.

My dudes, ready for the shooting and the fighting.
My right flank. 
My left Tesla flank.
The game was objectives (5 of them, 2 in each zone 1 in the middle of the board).  In the end Atom won with line breaker.  There were a lot of fun moments in the game; Atom taking out half my wraiths in turn 1 with a hades auto cannon, my lone wraith surviving long enough to kill all of his cultists and then use Atom's aegis gun in order to shoot down the hell turkey, and of course the final combat where my immortals fled off of an objective in order to give Atom the win.

Atom's dudes.
From a tactics standpoint I made a few errors.  Mostly they all came down to being aggressive (or not) at the wrong times.  On turn 1 or 2 I moved forward with my immortals in order to get some more shots on Atoms biker squad...I didn't do too much damage and I left myself wide open for an assault in Atom's turn.  I should have been more conservative that turn and given myself another round of shooting.  I also did the same thing on turn 4 when his plague marines charged that same objective.  Instead of moving back and getting some more shooting in, I stayed my ground and let him assault me. On the opposite end of the spectrum (and the table), I had a unit of 10 immortals with Obyron and a Lord.  This was my beatstick unit.  Obryon is nasty in close combat and he can teleport to anywhere on the board.  I held him back and was way too conservative with him.  He should have teleported to Atom's back table turn 1 in order for me to claim his objective and fuck with his obliterators (or at the very least start trying to kill his troops).  In the end that unit took little shooting and glanced his forge fiend to death...I need to get more out of a unit that costs over 200 points with a 160 point character in it.  On the final turn I just teleported them to the middle of the board in order to claim an objective...I feel that I misused the unit all game.
This is when my immortals peeked out in order to get some shots off,  thus leaving my dick in the wind.
Wraiths, working it.
Wrecked daemon engine thingy.
What worked?  Well, Nemesor Zandrehk and his ability to hand out abilities all game was very nice.  It allowed me to give tank hunters to certain units in order to up my chances of glancing things to death with my gauss.  I most assuredly will be using him again (and giving Obryon a chance to redeem himself).  I also stuck him in a 20 man squad of warriors with a res orb and a repair barge.  This unit dished out a ton of shooting (not super effectual, but good enough) and was impossible to get rid of.  His hell turkey laced the unit for two turns with his bale flamer but thanks to reanimation protocols and the repair barge the unit stayed largely intact all game.  I would hate to play that helldrake with marines.  My wraiths worked as they always do...a giant fire magnet that eats 1-2 units in assault before finally being killed off.

Taking down the turkey...I shot it in the butt.
On the what didn't work side of things...nothing really.  Everything worked, but somethings (like my obryon unit) were misused or had poor positioning.  On my left flank I had the triarch stalker and annihilation barge with two units of tesla immortals.  I was trying to do some twin linking shenanigans with those units but it never really played out.  I did manage to kill his biker unit with his lord which was very good since his lord would have slowly worked his way through my army.  However, it was clear that the weak point of my army was on that flank and out of position from doing any real damage all game.
I threw a lot of tesla at this lord dude.

All in all, I think I will use this list again.  I really enjoyed playing it and besides a few tactical mistakes on my part it did very well.  The only thing I will most likely change is the cryptek, I feel like he was just wasted points.  Perhaps I'll ditch him for an aegis line...the list needs some skyfire.
I wrecked that rhino shortly before the plague marines charge my immortals.


BT said...

I like the shot angles you took for your Bat Rep, specially the Mauler Fiend with the flame. Glad you had fun with your list. Wish I could get to see Atom's side of the Bat Rep to hear how his army did.

Anonymous said...

The only point of view that matters is that of the Necrons. Everything else is irrelevant.

BT said...

Necrons suck!