Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Fire Dragons

Look at me all posty-posty lately! I've been pretty busy with the hobby side of 40k lately (probably to make up for the fact I haven't been able to play in awhile). As I mentioned last time, I got my Stormraven assembled and I am now beginning the long process of painting it. I think for the next one I plan on painting it mostly disassemble first. I've also got a few more of the new dreadnought kits assembled (two death company) and magnetized. The other cool thing I got was an honor guard unit. I got these models from Forgeworld. I've turned the Librarian into a Sanguinary Priest. Awesome models! They are assembled and on the to do list of painting projects I have.

While I have been building a lot, I've also done some painting. BT had given me a bunch of Eldar awhile back and I am slowly working my way thru them. This time I did the Fire Dragons, which I flippin' hate. Everyone in the squad has a melta-gun, I mean, is that really necessary? I don't like it, but I'm sure IG would hate them more. I would like to see Eldar vs. IG in our little circle, could be an ugly melta-filled game.

So here they are...I didn't do anything too fancy with them. Being some of the older models they lack some of the detail the newer ones have. I find that my "style" (if you could call it that, perhaps "limited painting ability" may be a better choice of words) does not lend itself to fancy space elves. Most of the pictures I see of these guys, they look bright, a stark contrast to the darkness of 40k. For whatever reason I tend to do muted or dirty colors. In my mind that's what 40k should be, battered, grime and gore covered armor, not fancy shiny polished stuff. They turned out well I think, but a bit too dark.

Finally, I was going through my stuff and sorting the painted from the unpainted. I started this hobby up again around April or May of last year. Below I've got a picture of what I've done, and next to it is everything I have. Yep, it's a lot of stuff. Warning, I never bother setting up a photo box or backdrop or anything (mostly out of laziness) I just typically shoot my models on my Kegerator or Butchers Block. These pics are just my kitchen table, I made no attempt to get them sexy.

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