Sunday, February 17, 2002

The Emperor steered his wrath towards my Tyranids today. For the first time I faced the full fury of the Blood Angels. I knew guns wouldn't help so I went nearly all hand to hand. Although I went first and I had his vehicles lined up in the first turn it didn't matter. I did nothing with my shooting but managed to run over Karl with sheer numbers. By the time I had lost my two base units of Gaunts, I had cut Karl's force in half. Unfortunately for Karl, I had 5 Warriors and 24 Genestealers ready to assault him next turn and My Hive Tyrant would have been there the turn after that. Karl packed it in after that. In Karl's defense I've never seen anyone every roll so many one's to wound with lascannons. Oh well, the Great Devourer plunges deeper into imperial space.

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